
Showing posts from September, 2021

A Voice from Afghanistan: Farhad Zaheer

I don’t recall when I met Farhad Zaheer. However, I have followed him over the years and watched his journey unfold as a supporter and advocate for Afghan children at risk, particularly those with critical health issues.   Recently, Farhad contacted me about circulating/publishing the following essay. It is a lovely and honest piece that I find inspiring and hopeful. I hope you do, too. I have a couple of requests. If you know of any outlet that could publish this and give Farhad’s story a broader audience, please contact Farhad directly for permission to do so. The second request is to append his Facebook contact information with the manuscript accordingly.  His contact information follows below. Please read and enjoy “My American Mom Made Me a Better Muslim.” My American Mom Made Me a Better Muslim by Farhad Zaheer As a child, I studied at school in th...