Getting Ready to Vote: All Politics is Local
I’ll be voting tomorrow, early, ahead of the Election Day. Why tomorrow? Quite simply, because i’m undecided on several judicial elections, principally in the appellate courts and on a bond issue that isn’t as cut and dried as i originally thought. I figure i have another few hours of research to do on the candidates and while i’ve listened to some in-depth analysis on the bond issue, I remain sitting between two stools. Why am I not addressing the larger contest for U.S. President? Because I genuinely believe that local elections are at least, as important. Because we’ve seen what happens when demagogues get their way and make concerted efforts to determine local politics. For example, i was on the fence about voting for a judge endorsed by both the Dallas and Houston papers. He doesn’t sound like, on the face of it, the type to rule based on a strict agenda and indeed, does have a reputation for adjudicating fairly. However, he also has the support of Texas State Attorney-Under-Indic...