“On Tyranny” - Chapter 15: “Contribute to good causes”

On the face of it, this seems platitudinous. “Help out X charity, it’ll help the greater cause.” To be sure, that is or can be, the case. However, Snyder is aiming at something subtler and no less important. To paraphrase him a bit, being active in organizations “political or not”, express your own view of life. Not only that, but supporting a group or organization is very much a way of engaging in civil society. By now, it should be apparent that almost every suggestion that Snyder has presented meets the individual on her own terms and addresses her place in the wider civic context. All politics is local and just as much, if not more, personal. The support of a group that aligns with your values amplifies those values. “Political or not” is a phrase I don’t understand; as I’ve stated baldly, everything we do is political. Some would have me qualify that with “in the Aristotelian sense”, but I genuinely mean it. It doesn’t mean that I’m...