What to Keep in Mind: Distraction = Division

There’s a Tis-Tok video making the rounds of a woman mocking immigrants who have been separated from their families with an astonishing lack of empathy, a metric ton of bile and racism, and an even greater amount of general ugliness. She reiterates that she finds them sub-human, it’s not even that she cares so little; that it’s actually good that they’re being separated. And she ends with a “what about those poor people arrested on January 6 who were separated from their families? Bet you didn’t think about them!” (Paraphrase; I don’t want to revisit the video and I’m not posting it because I want no link between her and me, at all. Having said that, I do think it’s important to acknowledge, if not watch, these documents. They are documents of our present and our future. We see play out in real time, precisely the result of the Republican strategy. My immediate response to this particular video was a deep sense of loss on this woman’s behalf. She has foresworn her sense of empath...