CAMH1: Christopher Knowles: In a Word
There are huge blind spots in my knowledge. I’m perfectly willing to admit this. But when it involves events and artists contemporaneous to me, I am astounded at what I’ve missed. In 1977, Philip Glass came across my radar with North Star . My friends and I were in thrall and decided this was among the most horizon-expanding music we’d yet heard (in a year that boasted Bowie’s Low and “Heroes” , Elvis Costello’s My Aim is True and plenty more). In 1978, I got to see Glass perform the suite (it was marketed and packaged as a collection of pieces, but I tend to think of it as a suite) and I was hooked. It wasn’t long before the name Robert Wilson permeated our brains and Einstein on the Beach became a holy grail of sorts. We heard the “Knee Plays” over time and bits and pieces here and there. I confess that I’ve never seen it staged but I’ve seen much of it in different videos and have heard most of it (I’m not sure I’ve heard all five hours); but it’s a major work of...