On the Usefulness of Anger
Photo by Julio Cortez/Associated Press Given the events of the past few months, the past few days, and ultimately, yesterday (Friday, 29 May), it is safe to say that the country is on fire. This isn’t hyperbole; we’re seeing conflict bred of racial oppression of a virulent and systemic kind. I’m purposefully using virulent here to emphasize that racism isn’t merely a social act; it is very much a part of the DNA that led to the founding of this country and remains very much a part of our identity. It stems from deep rooted ignorance that goes back to (at the very least) our European ancestors and their sense of exceptionalism that led to the conquest of much of the world, their empire building, and the concomitant subjugation of the peoples they invaded/slaughtered/enslaved. NOTE: I’m not going to go off into a discussion about racism and imperialism in non-European nations’ histories. I’ll acknowledge that it is just as virulent and just as ugly, but what concerns m...