
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Failure of Movement Conservatism and the Fall of the United States

The United States of America is falling from within. I don’t mean that in a Krushchevian “we will bury you” sense. It should be obvious that it is simply a fact. (1) The coronavirus and our national leadership’s response to the crisis has been marked by incompetence, stupidity, and arrogance. Individual state responses have been variable and in the case of Texas, the state government has pretty much abandoned any attempt at leadership, foisting navigating a deadly health crisis on county and municipal legislatures. I don’t think I need to recap the shameful and disastrous steps that have brought us to this moment as a direct result of ineptitude, venality, and absolute ignorance on this White House Administration’s part. This is not debatable. It’s obvious. Whether “the Base”(2) gets it or not is immaterial. Whether the followers of their cracked-brained leader understand the reasons for what is transpiring around them and affecting their loved ones (which they don’t seem ...